I’m updating my 2012 book, Freelance Writing: Straightforward Advice From A Woman Who Knows. A previous version was the equally modestly-titled Greatest Freelance Writing Tips In the World. A lot has happened in more than a decade since they were published so they are significantly out of date.
Selected reviews:
The author has tips not just on magazine and newspaper markets, but also on Internet and commercial opportunities, and even has advice on the gentle art of getting paid. She says that her book aims to ‘offer realistic advice to those at the start of a freelance writing career’. It certainly does that.
Writing Magazine
The only book a writer will ever need.
Diary of a Wordsmith
Linda cuts to the chase with this amazing little tome.
Hazel Davis
I’m also working on a book to help families whose loved-ones are in a coma. This comes after a close family bereavement in the hope of helping them understand potentially scant information provided.